
You do not choose your own mask.

Your masks are given to you, either by your superiors, or by destiny. Those who choose their masks trifle with the spirits within, and invite evil and senseless destruction.

So teach the ancients.

But Elu, the son of the village teacher of Gheb, wants to choose his own path. He scorns his master--the village potter--bringing shame on his family and dishonor to himself, and seeks only adventure and exploration.

One fateful day, while accompanied by his friend Thora, his wanderings unleash an unspeakable evil on the world. They find masks of terrible power in the forbidden barrows--masks of legend--one of which seizes Thora and possesses her, and she escapes into the world, bringing terror and darkness wherever she goes. Elu leaves his village, running both from home and from the terror he has unleashed.

But running brings dangerous consequences, and he will realize that only he holds the key to stop the shadow terrorizing the land of Terremar. For just as a maskmaker creates a mask of legend by power and life sacrificed, only by power and sacrifice can one be uncreated, and save the world.


  1. I read this when I got it as part of the "Fierce" bundle on Amazon, and really enjoyed it. I hope there is more to come.

    The descriptions of the masks and their spirits and qualities is appealing, as is the exploration of the concept of a society where one's mask is openly acknowledged.

    I'm glad this book was included in the bundle!

  2. Shelly GrosshuescbJuly 24, 2015 at 6:26 PM

    I also just finished reading this in the "Fierce" bundle and look forward to reading more! And I agree with Cobo's comment - the wearer potentially privileged to own several masks and change them at will is an aspect of social construct I am sure I will be thinking about for some time.

  3. I also read this in the "Fierce" bundle and noticed it mentioned Masks of Terremar: Book 2 but I can't find it.

    I really enjoyed the book and it was a great way to add another author to my list.

  4. I recently finished reading Maskmaker's Apprentice and loved it. The underlying message was very good, and the book left me with a lot to think about. I'm very much looking forward to book 2. Any guess as to when it will be available?
